18 March 2009

Aura Colors Psychology: Deep Green Personality

Love to learn and to be intellectually stimulated all the time.
Is quick-minded with a precise and accurate memory.
Is ambitious, competitive, goal-oriented and expect the best.
Have a strong personality, perseverance and self-esteem.
Wealth, luxury and money represent social status and power.
Articulate and communicate very quickly, clearly and directly.
Is conservative in beliefs and behavior.
Is attractive and wear only expensive or exclusive clothing.
Have high expectations in partner, friends and jobs.
Is a workaholic and perfectionist in working on career.
Prefer independent, high level or well-paid executive jobs.
Rather develop plans and ideas than do the actual work.
Reference: Johannes R. Fisslinger, Aura Mastery including the Aura Color Test, published by Inneractive, 2002, USA

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